Y am now organizing the weekly TwiDemo of the Japan branch!
[ What is TwiDemo? ]
TwiDemo is:
the abbreviation of Twitter demonstration.
a flourishing hashtag activism in Japan in recent years.
a praised way of political communication in recent days’ Japan.
when a group fix a time and hashtag(usually a political slogan), and tweet simultaneously.
Japanese political twitterers make maximal use of TwiDemo for purposes like expressing political opinions or raising questions, delivering the voice of the people to the politicians, recruiting new companions for political groups and keeping active the existing members
[ Schedule ]
Wednesday 8pm-9pm
Sunday 8pm-9pm
(Japanese time)
[ Hashtags ]
We are asking the participants to tweet with the hashtags below:
[ Realizing ]
Y have already set the bots to automatically announce before each TwiDemo (once about noon and once just before) and ask the people to support the TwiDemo by liking, retweeting and tweeting.
The bots will automatically tweet with required hashtags during the TwiDemo too, of course.
[ What Y am going to do next? ]
Y am going to organize TwiDemos in other countries too!