My workload increases!
Supporter volunteers needed who could divide my to-dos below.
Y'm looking forward to hearing from you in the replies to this post!
[ 2022/02/06 ToDo]
ワイのTodoを分担できるボランティアを募集Recruiting volunteers who can divide my ToDos: Opening recruiting station, adding tweets to the bot to recruit volunteers
ツイッターでフォローしてくれた人に返信Replying to our new followers on Twitter
ツイデモの開始と終了をアナウンスするツイートを自動化するAutomate tweets announcing the start and end of Twidemo
学生部コミュニティに追記するAdd original text to the student division
ボットに学生部紹介ツイートを追加するAdd tweets to the bot to introduce the newly established students division
有名大の学生を勧誘する方法を作る方法を考えるThink about how to make a way to recruit students from famous universities
支部を作りたい大学をリストアップする listing up the famous universities where we want to establish brancches of the students division
有名大に支部をつくる。Create branches at top university
Learning Velo:Data API Veloの勉強
Posting summary of the report [ Research ] what other movements and parties do to keep their members active? in English
Listing up Asperger medias
Sending a message to Asperger media.
Develop the details of the new party’s policies and system
Planning activities for the members of the new party
Writing Manifesto about the new party’s policies
Adding Asperger quotes to the bot's auto tweets
Scheduling call-to-apply tweets
Scheduling explaining-WAO tweets in not Japanese languages
Scheduling join-to-official-group tweets in not Japanese languages
Writing new random tweets for the bot
Planning Events → TwiDemo
list up the twitter hashtags for each languages
translating articles
Creating original menu for languages and replace the current one on the top right
Finishing the blog post about the definition of democracy