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World Aspergers' Organization

Public·34 members

Capitalism has been the foundation of all successful nations throughout history. In essence, capitalism is the idea of individuals or groups of individuals - also called companies, to have the right to: own things, have the right to give your things to others, have the right to buy and sell off others. Capitalist societies also ensure that people are fairly valued by their ability to produce and work. This encourages people to help their communities and be good citizens of their area.

The concept of democracy is thousands of years old. But in it's most basic form, democracy is the belief the citizens should be equal to their government, and that citizens have the right to voice themselves to their government. In a democratic nation, the ability for people to decide their government creates better living conditions for citizens, and promotes peace and fairness in a nation. Countries like Italy and Japan have welcomed democracy in the past and today those countries have become far better nations to live in compared to their pre-war counterparts.

In conclusion, at the heart of a thriving nation are the core beliefs of capitalism and democracy which power citizens to uphold each other and their community.

JD Darth
World Aspergers' Organization

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